Big State Sports

Close to 300,000 student-athletes participate in high school athletics in the state of New Jersey every year. Big State Sports (formally Morris Sussex Sports), is an integrated publishing company with a focus on these student-athletes, their communities, families, friends, fans, and coaches. Founded in 2007, BSS has brought their audience a unique and highly popular variety of quality content, celebrating our communities athletes on social media, the web and through professionally produced broadcasts.

Our initial launch was in September of 2007, and consisted of a high school football website called We evolved to cover all sports and changed to As of January 1, 2024 we are officially with the mission to make the media coverage of high school sports in New Jersey the envy of the country.

Some notable statistics

  • 5+ million views per week
  • Over 1,000 broadcasts a year
  • Official broadcast partner of the Somerset, Morris and Hunterdon-Warren-Sussex County Finals
  • Official broadcast partner for the Phil Simms North-South All Star Classic