Another week in the books, and boy was it a wild ride! Only Christian foresaw the Lenape Valley road upset of Newton, en route to winning the weekend with a 17-2 record! This week there are 18 games up for grabs, and with plenty of season left to play, it’s anyone’s competition! We’re kicking around what the reward for the season winner should be as well as a potential punishment for the person with the worst record, and would love to hear your ideas in the comments (keep it cool please)!
Here are the standings so far:
- Dan Cleary: 44-12 (78.6%)
- Christian Copen 43-14 (78.1%)
- Brian Kenney 48-15 (76.2%)
- David Hashagen 43-16 (72.8%)
- George Muha (43-20) (68.3%)
- Owen Kenney (41-19) (68.3%)
- Zack Smolen (38-18) (67.9%)
And without further ado: our picks!